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I cooked Lomi today!

Would you believe I cannot find a recipe of Lomi in my local cookbooks!?! I had to browse the web and ask friends how to cook lomi.

I came up with a very easy recipe.

The broth came from all the bones I saved from the chicken I used for the galantina.


500 g. Lomi noodles, rinsed and drained

1/3 C. cooking oil

6 cloves garlic, crushed

1 onion, chopped

100 g. Ham, chopped

1 C. Boiled chicken

100 g. Shrimps, chopped

125 g. Squidballs, cut into quarters

1/2 C. Carrots, julienned

1 C. Cabbage, shredded

12 C. Chicken stock

1/2 C.Cornstarch dispersed in 1/2 C. water

Salt, pepper and patis, to taste

2 eggs, beaten

Spring onions, chopped

In a soup pot, saute garlic and onions in oil until soft.

Add the ham and squidballs followed by the shrimps and chicken.

Pour the broth. When it boils add the carrots and cabbage.

Season with salt, pepper and patis.

Add the cornstarch and stir until the consistency is slightly thick.

Add the lomi noodles.

Let it boil. Slowly pour the beaten eggs.

Serve while hot.

Top with chopped spring onions.

They loved it! PD said I should cook it again.

It was also the birthday celebration of Ate and her husband, Butch.

I asked my Ate for her food request.

Adobong pusit.

Butch likes Crunchy Bacon slice.

The kids loved the Halabos na Suahe.

I asked Ate if she likes it cooked with butter garlic or other sauces, she said, No.

My family is easy to please. I can cook anything for them but they prefer simple food.

I baked Sans Rival for them as my birthday gift.

They brought a fruit tart for dessert.

Happy Birthday, Butch and Ate!


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